
christmas is in the air

(click on pic to enlarge)

it is so magical! temple square during the christmas season may very well be the loveliest place imaginable. i am so happy. it was perfect!! there was a nip in the air but we were all bundled up, sipping our hot cocoa & enjoying the bustle around us. it was so fun to watch charlotte looking at all the lights with her childlike wonder. we wandered inside the visitors center & were greeted by carolers, it brought back memories of when i came with my high school choir each christmas to share our youthful angelic voices with the world (well- anyone that would listen really). christmas just wouldn't be complete without christmas songs- the music is definitely one of the things i enjoy most during the holidays! we loved the santa who helped spread christmas cheer playing his bagpipes. the christmas tree inside the joseph smith memorial building was magnificent! we sat around the tree and listened to the beautiful sounds coming from the baby grand piano. I'm telling you- it was so very lovely! I wish you all could have been there to enjoy the evening with riley, mary, charlotte and i. i guess there is always next year! i hope you are all spending time this christmas with those you love most & doing the things that make you happy!

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  1. We had a fantastic time. We are definatly adding that to our Christmas to do list next year.

  2. It's been too long since we've seen the lights at Temple Square! I really like the guy in the kilt playing the bag pipes!
